Roller Ball

I learned the basics of Unity through creating a rolling ball game. The player controls a ball on a platform and the goal is to collect all the surrounding gems. Getting the hang of the basics of Unity was not challenging but then again there was a step-by-step tutorial to help newbies create their first game. Unity is definitely daunting at first considering there is a sea of tools to use. One of the most important tips I learned through the tutorial is the importance of organization and your toolbar. You need good organization skills to ensure you know where every component is and how it all interacts with each other. And the toolbar is important because it makes things more convenient for the developer to grab the tools that they need/use most often. Considering there are plethora of tools, it is great to have the most used ones all in place to save time. Besides, there is a good chance you will not even use all of the available tools until you become more advanced.

I initially grew an interest in Unity because I wanted to develop video games. I grew up playing them so I wanted to shake things up and learn how to make them instead. And although I did not learn this solely through the Roller Ball project, creating games is a large task that takes a hefty chunk of time. I cannot even imagine how to begin learning to code physics with C# let alone having to do that along with illustrating the graphics, composing music, writing an interesting story, and having it all fit together smoothly. Roller ball was a nice introduction and gave me more respect to those who do dedicate all their time to creating video games.